Home of the Generals
John Stark Regional High School
Winter Sports Information 2024
~ Winter Sports Information 2024-25 ~
All student-athletes must follow the process below before being eligible to participate for a winter sports team:
1) Parents need to complete the required online registration process at https://johnstark-nh.finalforms.com/ even if you played a fall sport. The finalforms website will open for registration on October 15, 2024. Athletes will also need to complete the registration process on finalforms after their parent has completed the process.
2) All freshman and juniors playing a Winter Sport must take the ImPACT Concussion baseline test if you did not take it this fall. All juniors must take the test this year even if they took it last year. Any Sophomores or Seniors that did not take an ImPACT test at John Stark this current or last school year must take one this Winter.
Dates the ImPACT Test will be schedule with the Athletic Trainer/Athletic Director once the student athlete has registered on finalforms.
3) When the online forms have been completed as described above Mr. Brown will check your eligibility in terms of academics- you must have passed at least 5 classes when grades closed for quarter one. If you only passed 4 classes you will need to see Mr. Brown about applying for an Academic Eligibility Probation in order to possibly be eligible to play.
4) In addition, to be eligible to play you must have a current physical on file with the nurse and be cleared to participate by the athletic director. Physicals are considered good for 13 months from the date of exam for all students. Please remember the date mentioned above is the date of your actual exam by your doctor, not the date the form may have been printed by the doctor’s office.
5) If you played a fall sport, you will not be cleared until all uniforms and/or equipment has been returned to your coach and the coach notifies the athletic director everything has been returned.
Once your parents have completed the required forms as discussed above, you met all eligibility requirements and taken the ImPACT test if needed you will be cleared for participation. Student athletes cannot participate in activities until cleared by the athletic director. You will be notified via email from finalforms when you are cleared to participate.
Start Dates for all Winter Sports Athletes:
November 18: Wrestling & Swimming
November 25: Alpine Ski
December 2: Basketball, Ice Hockey, Indoor Track & Winter Spirit
December 16: Unified Basketball
** Thursday, November 7- Mandatory Parent and Athlete Winter Sports Meeting, 6:00 p.m. at the high school. All winter athletes and at least one parent/guardian must attend.
For more information please contact John Stark Athletic Director, Rodney Brown, at rodney.brown@sau24.org